Matt Horeczko-What Are The Charges of Carrying a Loaded Gun?
California has the strictest firearms laws in the nation while these laws were made to protect Californians from any crime. If you’ve been charged with this crime, you should retain the services of a skilled attorney like Matt Horeczko. The charges for carrying a gun are harsh, and the earlier your lawyer can start working on your case, the ideal chances you’ll not have a conviction. For a prosecutor to make a case against you, the prosecutor will have to prove that:
You carried a firearm
You knew you carried a loaded firearm
You were in a public place
Without these points, having a loaded firearm in a public place is a misdemeanor illegal and you can face a sentence of one year in jail or a fine near about $ 1,000. Carrying a loaded weapon is horrific when:
When you are not registered with the Department of Justice as the firearm’s owner.
You have an earlier conviction for a misdemeanor against anyone.
Under the following conditions, carrying a loaded weapon will be charged as a felony:
You have a preceding felony conviction
You have a preceding conviction for a California firearms offense
The gun was stolen
You are a gang member
You are not permitted to have a gun
Defend Against Your Firearms Charges
If the prosecution is able to convict you of the felony version of having a loaded firearm, you will go through serious repercussions in addition to jail time and a huge fine. A felony conviction will destroy your ability to own a gun in the future, to perform particular professions, and to live in the U.S if you are not a US citizen.
According to Matt Horeczko, the prosecution’s evidence may be inadmissible when your lawyer can demonstrate that:
The arresting officer lacked expected to cause to pull you over and find your car
Law enforcement lacked probable cause to find your person
The police did not read your rights during the arrest
Showing that you did not know that you were having the firearm
Showing that your weapon was not loaded
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